Society’s rapid acceptance of homosexuality—and the arrival of same-sex marriage in particular—has caught the church flat footed. We know what we believe and why, based on the Scriptures, but we often do not know how to talk about it. Or at least not in productive ways.
I see two unproductive responses among Christians on the issue of homosexuality. One is to shout all the louder about it being sinful. The other is pure silence. Neither of these reactions is helpful to the people in same-sex relationships or society as a whole.
As Christians, we are to present truth unflinchingly, but to do so in a gracious manner. Two people leading the way on this issue are Albert Mohler and Russell Moore, who so happen to headline an upcoming BGCO Conference on this subject, called “The Gospel, Sexuality and the Church.”
While the event, which takes place March 9-10 at Oklahoma City, Quail Springs, is designed with pastors and church staff in mind, the conference is open to all who wish to attend (cost is $40 per ticket and registration is at
For pastors, you will be equipped to engage on a wide range of sexual issues facing the church. What do you do if a person living in a homosexual lifestyle wishes to be baptized and join the church but also remain in their lifestyle? How can your church best be prepared legally in a culture that is performing same-sex weddings? What are some ways to preach biblically in this morally-relative age? Mohler and Moore will tackle these issues in practical, helpful ways.
The BGCO also has recruited singer/songwriter Dennis Jernigan to lead in worship throughout the event. Jernigan relates well to the topic at hand, as he overcame same-sex attraction through the power of God.
There will be breakout sessions that tackle topics including pornography, cohabitation and how to handle the media and social media on issues of sexuality. While there are many events you could attend in any given year, this conference in particular is timely and will help us go father to become like Jesus, Who is full of “grace and truth” when dealing with sinners like us.
If Christians do not find a wise way to engage the culture on issues of sexuality, we will find the world increasingly tone deaf to our views on other matters. If, on the other hand, we can find a wise way to engage the culture and individuals, leading with the Gospel, we can stem the tide of the sexual revolution in our culture, our churches and ultimately our own hearts.