One of the great joys of my job is the opportunity to share the story of our work in churches across our state. Recently, I was privileged to be in a church that is many miles away from any of our campuses but has experienced the impact of our ministry in a profound way. The story of this impact on this young man and his church has captured my heart.
I met the young man last spring when I was in the Owasso area preaching, and the young men from the Brooks Cottage at Baptist Children’s Home came to the service. As we visited, this young man shared where he was from, and we talked about the community and the church there. Knowing the community and the church caused a natural connection that led to a brief conversation every time we interacted over the next months on the campus and at events. I observed, and this young man’s houseparents confirmed, that he was doing well, and our ministry was making a difference in his life.
A few weeks ago, I was on campus and did not see him. I learned he had gone home because of how well he had done with us. I reached out to his pastor to check on him, and the response of the pastor was such a blessing. He said, “He came home a different young man!” He shared with me how appreciative the family is and the impact of his testimony on the church and asked me to come and preach and share about our work. Their experience has opened the eyes of the church to our work and has reminded me of the vital partnership between the ministry of Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children (OBHC) and the churches of our state.
Thank you!
I pray this story encourages your heart like it does mine! Because of your faithful support, we can show and share the love of Christ to children and their families. We can come alongside churches and strive to bring Hope by providing help and homes to children and their families. I pray this story will be multiplied over and over as we see those we serve experience the transforming power of God and become His faithful servants. If you feel led to support this ministry, please visit our website at
Thank you for partnering with us in the pursuit of our mission and vision!