>> F/T PASTOR: Keystone Hills Baptist Church, located approximately 7 miles west of Sand Springs, Oklahoma is prayerfully seeking a full time Pastor. Please send resumes to: 161 New Prue Rd., Sand Springs, OK. 74063 or email to: keystonehills@sbcglobal.net

>> P/T or BI/VO MUSIC MINISTER: Highland Park Baptist Edmond seeks a spiritually motivated individual to lead our Praise Team & Congregation. Applicant needs music ability to coordinate various instruments & singers. Applicant must have a heart for God & love people. Call Joe at 405-414-7282 or send resume to hpbcpastor@att.net.

>> F/T ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Join the FBC Muskogee team in the vision to “Be Disciples, Make Disciples.” The full-time Associate Pastor will focus on discipleship and outreach ministries, leadership development, preaching, and pastoral care. Send resumes to kwood@fbcmuskogee.org.

>> F/T OTHER POSITION: Countryside Baptist Church is seeking a family and worship minister! For more information about the role, follow link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vS60UWzx_V5ZSWfbOxf_q8MmpLEAWRJr. To be considered, email your resume and a video of yourself leading worship to csbcresume@gmail.com.

>> P/T or BI/VO YOUTH PASTOR: >> P/T YOUTH PASTOR: First Baptist Church of Ochelata, OK is prayerfully seeking a youth pastor. Please send resumes fbcochelata@gmail.com

>> F/T PASTOR: First Baptist Church, Jay, OK is prayerfully seeking a full-time pastor. Please send resume to fbcjay@yahoo.com or mail to First Baptist Church P.O. Box 304 Jay, OK 74346

>> F/T YOUTH PASTOR: FBC Burkburnett, TX is looking for an AP of Discipleship and Youth position, focusing on the youth of our church and community. In addition the AP will maximize the discipleship ministries of the church. For a complete job description & resume information, email missy@fbcburk.com.

>> F/T or P/T PASTOR: Willis Baptist Church, near Lake Texoma, is a thriving country church in Southern Oklahoma. We're blessed with an outstanding worship team, youth ministry, and very nice facilities (including parsonage). Come serve with us! Experienced candidates send resume/credentials to rdavis52000@gmail.com

>> P/T YOUTH MINISTER: New Hope Baptist Church, 1501 N. 43rd St. E., Muskogee, OK 74403. Prayerfully seeking a P/T Youth Minister to lead and disciple youth 6th - 12th grades. Send resume to above address or email to NHBC2024YouthMinister@gmail.com

>> F/T STUDENT MINISTER: First Baptist Church Chickasha is seeking a full-time Student Minister to equip students in advancing the gospel and multiplying disciples. Strong teaching gift and proven ministry leadership preferred. Email resume to search@fbcchickasha.org.

>> F/T CHILDREN'S MINISTER: Southeast Baptist Church, Muskogee is seeking a full-time Children's Minister. The individual will work with our members and staff, seeking to disciple the children of our church and community. Inquiries and resumes can be sent to sebcmuskogee@gmail.com.

>> P/T MUSIC MINISTER: Criner Baptist Church of Lindsay Oklahoma is seeking a P/T Music Minister for Sunday mornings only. Please email resume to rrgunsales2@gmail.com.

>> F/T or P/T YOUTH MINISTER: Bear Creek Baptist Church of Harrison Arkansas is searching for a Youth Minister. Bear Creek is a growing, multigenerational church. Apply at www.bearcreekspringsbaptist.org.

>> BI/VO PASTOR: Buffalo Valley Baptist Church is seeking a man of God to pastor our church in the gospel and lead our congregation. Parsonage available. www.buffalovalleybaptist.com Please send resumes to: bvbc4152@yahoo.com or mail to BVBC, 4152 SE Highway 63, Talihina, OK. 74571-5950

>> F/T YOUTH MINISTER: FBC Cheyenne, OK is seeking a full-time Youth Minister for a thriving youth ministry. Parsonage provided. Please submit resumes and references to: FBCChey@gmail.com or P.O. Box 56 Cheyenne, OK 73628

>> P/T YOUTH MINISTER: Enon Baptist Church - Alba, Texas. (Potential to F/T) . Provides leadership in rebuilding Youth (grades 6-12) active programs from Covid losses. Strong leadership and people skills required and ability to occasionally fill pulpit for aging Pastor. Email inquiries to bci_sam@yahoo.com

>> P/T MUSIC MINISTER: New Hope Baptist Church, 1501 N. 43rd St. E., Muskogee, OK 74403. Prayerfully seeking a P/T Music Minister. Send resume to above address or email to NHBC2022MusicMinister@gmail.com

>> P/T MUSIC MINISTER: Barcelona Road Baptist Church, Hot Springs Village, AR, prayerfully seeks a God led individual to work with the pastor and oversee all aspects of the church's music ministry and choir. Please send resumes to 390 Barcelona Road, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 or email to brbc3pastor@att.net.

>> P/T or BI/VO MUSIC MINISTER: FBC Stroud is prayerfully seeking a PT/BV Music Minister. This position includes housing and paid utilities. To apply, please send resume and cover letter to First Baptist Church, PO Box 600, Stroud OK 74079 or email to fbcstroud@gmail.com.

>> P/T MUSIC MINISTER: Addington Baptist Church is seeking a part-time music minister. Salary negotiable. Playing an instrument is a plus but not necessary. Please send resume & references to: PO Box 7 Addington, OK 73520 or you can email them to: fbcaddington@gmail.com

>> F/T WORSHIP MINISTER: FBC Madill, OK is looking for a Worship Pastor who has the gifting to not only lead in Sunday Worship but also has the calling to lead in Children's Ministry. Experience is preferred but not required. We use a conservative theology & a creative environment to help people find and follow Jesus.

>> F/T WORSHIP MINISTER: First Baptist Church of Midwest City, OK, is seeking an Associate Pastor of Worship who will serve as a pastor to the entire congregation and oversee all aspects of the church’s music ministry, including leading the choir. Please send resumes and recommendations to mkilmer@fbcmwc.org.

>> F/T CHILDREN'S MINISTER: FBC, Sallisaw, Ok. is looking for a Children's Ministry Director. This position would be responsible for overseeing and coordinating all aspects of the church’s ministry from babies through 5th grade. Please email resume to gsburnsed1004@gmail.com Attn: Greg Burnsed

>> F/T PASTOR: First Baptist Church of Talihina, Oklahoma is seeking a Pastor who is equipped to lead our congregation into an exciting new time of ministry together! Resume Window closes March 31, 2025 Submit resume to the following: talihinapastorsearch@gmail.com First Baptist Church, Talihina, Oklahoma

>> F/T or BI/VO PASTOR: Seeking a bi-vocational/ (possible full-time) pastor to lead, preach, provide pastoral care, and guide vision. Must align with SBC doctrine, emphasizing free will, discipleship, and evangelism. Send cover letter, resume, references, theology statement, and sermon link. www.ArmstrongBaptist.com

>> F/T PASTOR: First Baptist Church Stonewall, Oklahoma. We are prayerfully seeking a pastor to lead our church. We are a rural church located in Southeastern OK. A parsonage is available. Send resume to First Baptist Church, PO Box 295 Stonewall OK 74871 or email to PastorSearchSFBC@gmail.com.

>> P/T CHILDREN'S MINISTER: Portland Avenue Baptist Church, OKC seeks PT children’s minister (approx. 30 hours/wk) to cultivate an environment where children and families grow in their faith. If you have a heart for the lost and feel called to serve children from diverse backgrounds, contact us at info@portlandavenue.org.

>> F/T PASTOR: FBC, ERICK< OK Target rich community needs man with a servant's heart, energetic outreach abilities, & the enthusiasm to use them. Some admin knowledge a must. Parsonage provided. Resumes + sermon links to mdurham@dobsonteleco.com or mail to Pastor Search, Box 664, Erick, OK 73645

>> F/T PASTOR: Eakly FBC, a rural agricultural town in SW Oklahoma, prayerfully seeking a F/T (potentially BI/VO) pastor. Individual must align with the Southern Baptist Faith and Message. Email resume and 3-5 references to efbcsearchcommittee@gmail.com or mail to PO Box 307, Eakly 73033.

>> F/T CHILDREN'S PASTOR: First Baptist Church of Kearney, Missouri is looking for a Director of Children's Ministry or Associate Pastor for Children's Ministry. This is a full-time position and will likely be combined with another area of ministry. Send resumes to Dr. Ken Parker, Senior Pastor at kparker@kearneyfbc.com

>> F/T FAMILY PASTOR: First Baptist Church of Woodward is prayerfully seeking a F/T Family Pastor to serve our growing church. Undergraduate ministry-related degree (seminary degree preferred). 2-5 years of experience serving on a church staff. Qualified candidates can apply at: www.fbcwoodward.org or call 580-256-2837.

>> P/T or BI/VO YOUTH PASTOR: Eastside Baptist Church in Marietta is looking for a Kingdom filled individual to take over our growing youth programs. Prefer to have a bilingual male or female who is ready to help transform the lives of our youth. Email resume and cover letter to howard1885@outlook.com.

>> F/T YOUTH MINISTER: FBC Alva in NW Oklahoma is prayerfully seeking a F/T Youth Minister to lead and disciple students. Resumes can be sent to cruwaldt@gmail.com

>> F/T PASTOR: First Baptist Church of Wayne OK, a small rural community, is prayerfully seeking a pastor who is Bible based, with community commitment and enjoys fellowship of all ages. Compensation package includes a parsonage. Please submit a cover letter, resume and 3-5 references to FBCWaynePSC@gmail.com.

>> P/T OTHER POSITION: Worship Pastor and/or Youth Pastor Tushka Baptist Church in Tushka, OK is prayerfully seeking a worship and youth pastor. A parsonage is available. Please send resumes to Tushka Baptist Church, 246 NE 2nd St, Atoka, OK 74525 or tushkabaptistchurch@gmail.com or (580) 364-6515.

>> F/T PASTOR: First Baptist Church in Verden, Oklahoma is now accepting resumes for a full-time pastor. Please submit resumes including references to verdenfbc@gmail.com.

>> F/T PASTOR: FBC Stillwater, OK is seeking resumes for a new Pastor. The church is centrally located near Oklahoma State University. Information may be sent to: Pastor Search Team, FBC Stillwater, 701 S. Duncan, Stillwater, OK 74074 or fbc.mail@brightok.net

>> F/T PASTOR: Lakeside Baptist, between Tulsa and Stillwater, OK seeks a God-led pastor who preaches and believes the Southern Baptist doctrine. May be full time or by-vocational. Visit www.lakesidemannford.com, Sermons, Lakeside Baptist HR for instructions to submit a resume. Open PDF-Answer questions.

>> F/T PASTOR: Wellston, FBC is prayerfully seeking a lead pastor that God is preparing to join us in serving our community. Please send resumes to P.O. Box106, Wellston, OK 74881 or by email at FBCWellstonPastorSearch@gmail.com

>> F/T MUSIC MINISTER: Memorial Heights Baptist Church in Claremore, OK, is prayerfully seeking a full-time Music and Young Adult Minister. Please send resumes to memorialheights@sbcglobal.net.

>> F/T STUDENT MINISTER: Bethel Baptist, Norman is seeking a full-time Student Minister to lead and work with youth (grades 6-12) and their families. Please send resumes to bethelstaff@bbcnorman.com

>> F/T PASTOR: Mead Baptist Church of Mead, OK, a small rural community is prayerfully seeking a full-time pastor with community commitment and enjoys fellowship of all ages. The candidate should align with traditional Baptist theology. Please submit resume to: mbcpscommittee@gmail.com.

>> F/T SENIOR PASTOR: Calvary Baptist Church of Lindsay, OK is prayerfully seeking its next F/T senior pastor. Resumes may be sent to cbclindsay@gmail.com.

>> F/T WORSHIP MINISTER: POSITION OVERVIEW F/T Worship Pastor FBC Andrews, TX. The ideal candidate has a passion for God and people, strong character, zeal for the gospel, high emotional intelligence, a growth and team mentality, smiles easily, dreams big, and embraces worthy challenges. Send inquiries and resumes to pastorbranto@gmail.com.


CHURCH BUS FOR SALE… For sale 2008 Ford E-450 Diamond Coach Corp. Bus seats 25+ driver Mileage 18,019.4 Price $12,500.00 First Baptist Church Barnsdall Okla.  Contact the church at (918) 847-2421 or email mark.myersjr@sbcglobal.net