MOORE—More than 800 students and young adults from across Oklahoma descended on Moore, First on Friday, September 6 for Momentum. Momentum is a one-night worship gathering hosted annually by the Oklahoma Baptists Collegiate Ministry (BCM).

This year’s event featured pastor Mike Keahbone, of Lawton, First, preaching the Word. “Glad the City” led in worship through song. The Oklahoma Baptists Conference Centers, the International Mission Board and Southwest- ern Seminary each had ministry presence at Momentum.

Chad Coleman, Associate Collegiate Ministries Director for Oklahoma Baptists said of the event, “Momentum is a high-energy event aimed at helping BCM and church groups come together to kick off the semester and motivate students to live out the Gospel on their college campuses.”

“I think, this year, the most exciting thing was that we had several students respond to Mike Keahbone’s message,” said Coleman. “Several students came forward, the most I have ever seen go forward during the response time at Momentum. I think Mike did a really good job of motivating people to take seriously their personal role in sharing the gospel on their campus.”

Haiden Sides, a freshman at Redlands Community College, said Momentum “was such an amazing way to learn more about the Lord and worship him with other students.” This was Sides’ first time attending one of the statewide collegiate events, and she enjoyed hearing Keahbone share and getting to connect with new people. “It’s a great way to meet people and have fun.”

Danny Toombs, BCM Director at Cameron University, had a unique perspective at Momentum this year as Keahbone was part of the ministry of the Cameron BCM as a young adult. “It’s so encouraging to see what God can do in a student’s life. Knowing where and what he came from to how God is using him today is a reminder that [God] can do that in any student’s life,” said Toombs. “Never give up on a student or count them out.”

Momentum 2025 is scheduled for Friday, September 5, open to all college students and young adults (18-24), and the event will feature popular evangelist Shane Pruitt, who serves with the North American Mission Board.