The news in 2016 featured many names. Some like Donald Trump were already household names. Others names like that of Kevin Durant went from popular to unpopular (at least in Oklahoma). Still others names like “Chewbacca Mom,” the young lady who donned a Star Wars toy mask and filmed a video of herself that went viral, were names brand-new to our ears.
Certainly this year featured many important people, places and things. Yet as the 2016 calendar year nears its end—and as Christmas day itself arrives—we are reminded that there is ultimately only one name that matters, the Name Above All Names, Jesus Christ.
The Bible says, “At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth…” (Phil. 2:10).
This Christmas, let’s pause to consider some of His names we hear about in familiar Christmas carols, through which we stop to appreciate aspects of His holy character and great love.
In “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” we hear of “Christ, by highest heaven adored: Christ, the everlasting Lord; … Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see; Hail, the Incarnate Deity.”
In “Hallelujah Chorus,” Jesus is the “King of kings and Lord of lords.” In “O Come All Ye Faithful,” Jesus is “Born the King of angels” and “Christ the Lord, the newborn King.”
In “Joy to the world!” we know that Jesus “The Lord is come.” In “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen,” we see Jesus called the “Son of God.” In “O come, O come, Emmanuel,” we hear of “Emmanuel” who comes to ransom captive Israel. In “Silent Night,” we hear of radiant beams from “Thy holy face… Jesus Lord, at Thy birth.”
Christmas caroling is a lost art that can be rekindled in your neighborhood and community. It is still a great way to share the Name of Christ.
Several years ago, our family joined another to go Christmas caroling. We made sure to visit the house of an elderly man in the neighborhood we suspected might be lost. His wife greeted us at the door and said the man was not feeling well and could not come to the door. She left the front door open wide as we sang as loudly and cheerfully as we could, in hopes he would hear.
We found out the next day the sad news that the man passed away later that night. It left us to wonder if this man, hearing the simple Christmas carols, awoke to the Gospel and believed, passing from death to life.
When I think back on this, I cannot help but wonder if this man may be in Heaven right now, singing along with all the saints departed, and angels—maybe even the very angels that, on the night of Christ’s birth who sang the first noel in Luke 2:
“Suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying: ‘Glory to God in the highest Heaven, and peace on Earth to people He favors!’”
The Name of Jesus Christ alone is worthy of our praise, at Christmastime, and every day. Let’s sing out His Name…