Justin Kunis* and his wife, Winona*, are both graduates of Oklahoma Baptist University. After serving in a local church on the south side of Oklahoma City for 12 years, God called them to serve overseas with the International Mission Board. They answered that call in 2007, moving their young family and planting their lives in East Asia among an unreached people group where there were few-to-no believers.
Recently, the Kunises were forced to leave the people and country they had grown to love and now serve in a large city in the North Africa/Middle East region of the world, where they are working to share the Gospel and plant a church in a city of millions of people.
“We continue to love and serve the local believers in East Asia, even from afar,” Justin said. “But God has been faithful to call us to a new nation and people in a different part of the world. We are excited to join what God is doing in this new location.”
The Kunises are now serving among a Muslim people, who mix the traditions of Islam with the tribal spiritism of their ancestors. Justin said spiritual darkness is their greatest challenge.
“We are now living in our second country while serving overseas,” he said. “This one is completely different from the first—language, culture, beliefs—it’s all challenging. But the greatest challenge is the spiritual darkness. The country is steeped in history and tradition, a melding of many cultures and peoples—European, African and Middle Eastern. We know God wants to deliver these people!”
The work is hard, and the Kunises need fervent prayers as they learn the language and culture. Pray as well for locals who serve alongside them, especially a certain local pastor and his wife, who lead house churches across the city and work tirelessly to share the Gospel. Pray the Good News of Jesus will change hearts and minds and that the city will be transformed.
*Names changed for security purposes.
Because of the generous giving of Oklahoma Baptists through the Cooperative Program, an amazing array of ministries are supported. This unified giving encourages fellowship with other believers all over the world. Collectively, Oklahoma Baptists are advancing the gospel together.
Justin and Winona Kunis are featured in the 2023 Missionary Prayer Guide for Oklahoma Baptists. For more information about the Cooperative Program, visit oklahomabaptists.org/cp.