
After record-high temperatures yesterday, we just experienced a hail storm. At least you can’t say we are not entertained during this pandemic.

Thank you for reading my DHD. Here’s six timely topics for you!

  1. Statewide prayer meeting

Last night, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt organized a statewide prayer meeting that was televised and livestreamed. Karen and I watched and were encouraged. We enjoyed singing “You’re a Good, Good Father” and “Amazing Grace,” knowing there were many all across Oklahoma who were doing the same thing. I also enjoyed the times of prayer and the biblical messages that were offered.

Sometimes, you have to wonder if God allows times of crisis to get our attention or to remind us how frail humanity is. That would be why I appreciate having state leaders who will lead “on their knees.” They demonstrate humility while leading, observing prayer and asking God for wisdom.

That special prayer meeting may not speed up the pandemic, but it allowed us to focus on the Blessed Controller of All Things (1 Tim. 6:15).

  1. Churches being neighborly

Yesterday, I did a story on three Oklahoma Baptist churches that were being innovative in reaching their communities during the COVID-19 virus pandemic. I appreciate Brett Selby, Tobin Jackson and Mike Luster for sharing what their churches are doing.

Check out the story for yourself: “Oklahoma Baptist churches find ways to be neighborly amid COVID-19 crisis.”

  1. Fun story on a small church

Another story I wrote that was published this week is on a small church that almost had to close its doors. Henryetta, Wilson is located in a rural community in Henryetta, which is off I-40 about two hours east of Oklahoma City.

I have known the church’s current pastor for a few years. I met Jack Vance while he was the pastor of Dewar, First before he retired. It’s a blessing to know that Jack is leading this church to a vibrant position.

Check out “Almost closing its doors last year, Henryetta, Wilson continues to grow.”

  1. Today’s devotion

I’ve enjoyed sharing in the last few DHDs what I’ve been reading in my daily devotions. Today’s devotion from “Experiencing God Day By Day” was titled “Too Late!” based upon the verse Mark 14:41a.

“Like the disciples, you receive unique opportunities to serve your Lord,” the devotion read. “There are times when Jesus will ask you to join Him as He is at work in the life or your friend, family or coworker. If you are preoccupied with our own needs, you will miss the blessing of sharing in His divine activity.”

To sum up, Henry and Richard Blackaby, the writers of my devotional book, described how God will provide opportunities for us to serve Him, and there will be times when I am negligent. However, God is gracious and will forgive, and He provides other opportunities. “He will even use our failings to bring about good, but it is critical that we respond in obedience.

“God does not need our obedience; He has legions of angels prepared to do His bidding when we fail Him. The loss is ours as we miss what God wants to do in our lives.”

Here was my prayer in response: “God help me to be faithful. Help me to be aware of the unique opportunities to serve You. Give me the words to share that may prick the hearts of unbelievers who need to know Your Gospel message.”

  1. Challies covers online worship across the world

When I grow up, I want to be as good of a blogger as Tim Challies. He is so creative yet spot on biblically in his blog topics.

This week, he did something I wish I could have accomplished. He collected photos of many people around the world who spent time doing corporate worship online.

Check out “How the World Worshipped on One of the Most Unusual Sundays in Church History.”

The title of the blog is a great summary. It is powerful to ponder on how many people across the globe gathered in their homes Sunday morning to worship online.

If you don’t have access to do online worship next Sunday, let me invite you to join me. Visit or go to the Facebook page of Quail Springs Baptist Church. There are two services which begin at 9:30 a.m. and at 11 a.m. next Sunday.

  1. Another Billy Graham video

I conclude with sharing another powerful and relevant video of Billy Graham. This one is not :50 seconds but five minutes. Still, it is worth watching: