An investigation into many Southern Baptist churches soon reveals that a good portion of the payload is being carried by Baptist women. It has been said that if you want something done, you better ask a woman to do it.
It should come as no surprise that the missions offerings of the International Mission Board, the North American Mission Board and the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma are all named in honor of women. God only knows how Baptist history would look if it weren’t for dedicated women who have stepped to the plate when men have dropped the ball.
Certainly there are clear distinctions in Scripture between the roles of men and women, but let’s face it, there are just some areas where many Baptist men are taking the easy way out and leaving the Lord’s work up to the ladies.
For example, Hope Pregnancy Centers are a fine model of how Oklahoma Southern Baptists put love into action. As a member of the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children family, Hope Pregnancy Centers are changing hearts and saving lives every hour of every day.
Because of Hope Pregnancy Centers, more than 7,650 babies have been born since 1986. Recent reports indicate that 90 percent of clients receiving ultrasounds chose life! In addition, more than 50 individuals have come to know Christ as Savior!
With two facilities in Oklahoma City and one in Tulsa, God is changing history as Hope Pregnancy Centers provide free confidential pregnancy tests, pregnancy counseling, limited medical services, ultrasounds, community referrals, parenting classes and adoption services.
Hope Pregnancy Centers could not exist without tireless, trained volunteers. But get this, 84 percent of those volunteers are women! Since when does pregnancy just involve women! It is time for Oklahoma Baptist men to wake up and recognize the critical role they can play in saving the life of an unborn baby.
Saving babies isn’t just for women. Hope Pregnancy Centers are looking for a few caring Christian men who are willing to be available to men who are struggling with abortion. The presence of a male volunteer is often the difference between life and death.
Men have an incredible opportunity to make an eternal difference when they choose to volunteer at the center. Men interested in becoming a volunteer may call 877/276-6242. There are plenty of openings for women as well.
Hope Pregnancy Centers are a non-profit ministry and rely solely on charitable contributions. To donate, make checks payable to Hope Pregnancy Centers and mail checks to: Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children, 3800 N. May Avenue, Oklahoma City 73112. You may also visit or call 405/942-3800.
Most of all pray. Pray for the staff and volunteers of Hope Pregnancy Centers as they seek to honor God by changing hearts and saving lives one person at a time.