It has been said that behind every great man is an even more impressive woman. There is hardly a pastor in the pulpit who wouldn’t agree that his wife is that kind of lady.

Without question, pastors are among some of the most giving, caring and hardworking people on the planet. God has given them a love for serving the local church like no other, except for maybe one-the pastor’s wife.

More often than not, she works quietly behind the scenes while her husband leads the charge. The personal sacrifices she makes supporting the ministry of the pastor and the church rarely gains public recognition. She knows, he knows and certainly God knows the number of hours upon hours she has willingly yielded in the name of ministry.

While he makes hospital visits, meets with deacons and counsels those in need, she waits patiently knowing she shares in his calling. Even time scheduled together is often interrupted as an unexpected tragedy calls him into action. He has regular days off, but those, too, are subject to duty as a pastor is always on call.

She is readily aware of the ups and downs of church life. There is no shortage of items for her prayer list. As a vital prayer warrior, she enters the spiritual battlefield armed and ready to fight for her husband and the church. Heaven responds and lives are changed as she cries out to Heaven for the Father’s will to be done.

Without her, much needed encouragement would often never come. With her by his side, the journey is shorter, the laughter more frequent and the challenges less threatening. He recognizes he is the beneficiary of her commitment to the Lord. Otherwise, she would have relinquished her support long ago.

Though the salary rarely reflects it and the job description fails to acknowledge it, calling a pastor to a church is a packaged deal-two for one. The church calls the pastor, but the call is answered by two, a great man and his amazing wife.

On Oct. 5-6, the Women’s Missions and Ministries of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma is hosting a Ministers’ Wives Weekend at Oklahoma City, Quail Springs located at 14613 N. May Ave. The special weekend is designed for any woman whose husband is a pastor, worship leader, education minister, student minister or minister of any kind. Four ministry wives will share their life experiences and the seasons they have encountered.

What a great opportunity for Oklahoma Southern Baptist churches to honor the wives of our ministers. Additional information is available at or by calling 405/942-3800, extension 4318.