I thank God for Roy Moody.
Sitting on my back porch early this morning, I found myself profoundly sad, remembering our loss of this good man and servant. I met Roy just before he joined our Oklahoma City, Quail Springs ministry staff in 2006. He began helping us with senior adults and pastoral care and soon made himself an indispensable part of our work. From 2006 to 2018, Roy Moody blessed me. Let me tell you how:
Roy Moody helped me. Only heaven knows how much this good man did for me in that busy season of change and growth. This man quietly went to work putting oil on the relational machinery of our church. We enjoyed a remarkable unity through years of challenging transitions. Roy Moody’s work was one of the key factors—he was a force for unity in the Body. I could not have managed to shepherd the flock without Pastor Moody by my side.
Roy Moody encouraged me. Roy loved to talk about preaching. When I delivered a good message, he asked me for the notes. He was always quick with a smile and a good word for a weary preacher at the end of the day. He knew the power of a word rightly spoken. Many Sunday evenings found me so bone tired that I did not want to talk to anyone; but I welcomed the voice of Roy Moody, “Good job preacher.”
Roy Moody taught me. I learned over the years to ask his opinion. I valued his opinion. I trusted his judgment. He helped to guide me through many major decisions; and occasionally kept me from a wrong path. Most of all, Roy taught me to love the people. Roy Moody loved God’s people. He understood that ministry that matters is relational. Roy didn’t really want to spend much time planning, organizing, administering. He wanted to love the people of God, especially when they were hurting.
Friday, when Roy Moody breathed his last, it was our loss.
It was his gain. He gained fullness and freedom in the presence of the Lord. This man who poured out his life as a faithful shepherd of the flock finally stood face-to-face with the Chief Shepherd. I can see that great Roy Moody grin as his blessed Lord puts upon his head the unfading crown of glory. “Well done!”
Oh Master, give me grace to finish so well.