Hope Pregnancy Center is grateful Keri shared her story to encourage others to seek God’s forgiveness:

“In 1990, I was 18, and my boyfriend and I got pregnant.  We found a doctor who promised to take care of ‘it.’ Afterward, I immediately changed. We broke up, and I began drinking, partying and being promiscuous. I stuffed the abortion deep down and didn’t think about it.

“I became a Christian in 1998 and married a Christian man in 2001. I didn’t tell my husband about the abortion until 2014; the weight of the sin was destroying me. I went to church every Sunday. I understood that God offered forgiveness for sin, but in my mind, not for abortion. I often said to myself, ‘How can God forgive me when I can’t forgive myself?’ and ‘How can God love me when I can’t love myself?’ I looked like I had it all together on the outside, but inside I hated myself. I felt so much shame and guilt from my abortion over 20 years ago. My friend told me about Forgiven and Set Free. Though I was hesitant, I felt led to attend. My journey to healing and accepting God’s forgiveness began.

“Through the Bible study, I was inundated with God’s Word and the power of His love and forgiveness, and how He was longing for a relationship with me. It showed me, time and time again, that God does love me despite my sin, even my sin of abortion. I now know and believe God loves me and DOES forgive me. The weight of guilt and shame is gone. I feel the warmth of God’s love.

“I was so afraid of my Christian friends finding out. Out of fear, I never planned on telling anyone at church. I walked into Forgiven and Set Free filled with guilt and shame. Through the study and seeking God’s forgiveness, I AM Forgiven and Set Free! That freedom allows me to testify of God’s love and forgiveness openly, even in the church.”

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 (ESV)

Statistics report 25% of American women have had an abortion. If you or someone you know is hurting from an abortion, healing is possible. Confidential and no-cost Forgiven and Set Free classes start in September at Hope Pregnancy Centers.

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