More than 130 children who had completed 3rd-6th grade and 90 sponsors from 14 metro area churches converged on Oklahoma City, Quail Springs July 22-24 for Worship Arts Camp for Kids (WACK), sponsored by Metro Baptist Network OKC.

Churches represented were Oklahoma City, Brookwood; Oklahoma City, NewChurch; Oklahoma City, Portland Ave.; Oklahoma City, Southpark; Oklahoma City, Quail Springs; Oklahoma City, Village; Midwest City, Country Estates; Midwest City, Eastpoint; Midwest City, First; Midwest City, Meadowood; Midwest City, Sooner; Jones, First; Nicoma Park, First; and Watonga, Trinity.

“This year, the children learned and presented, “Mission: Possible,” a fun, scripture-filled musical bursting with biblical truths found in Mark 16:15 and Ephesians 2:10,” said Angela Lee, a member of the WACK committee. “The songs in the musical helped the children learn that, as believers, no matter where they are, no matter what their talents are, and no matter the circumstances, they have been given a mission—they have been called to spread the Good News of Jesus to the world around them.

“One of the kids’ favorite parts of the musical was singing an upbeat song titled “8 Blocks” complete with sunglasses and fun choreography. Our prayer is that the words of that song—‘If I never make it to the other side of the world to share my faith, that’s OK! ‘Cause every day I’m only 8 blocks away from a mission. Don’t have to look too far to find a broken heart.”—will stay with them and remind them that God will help them fulfill their mission to share the love of Jesus right where they are in their schools, neighborhoods and families.”

WACK concluded Wednesday evening with the presentation of “Mission: Possible” and a showcase of art projects completed by the students.

In addition to learning the musical, the kids at WACK participated in recreation, missions, worship, and SWAT (Sent With A Task) discipleship and music activities. Each child also selected a “Worship Arts Track,” and every track was incorporated into the musical presentation on Wednesday evening. This year’s tracks included Banners & Set Design, Cartooning, Drama, Fabric Arts, Flag Corps, Handbells, Legos, Percussion, Photography, Sign Language, Song Writing, Stomp, Ukulele, and Woodworking.

“It was a blessing to see leaders from different churches and communities across the metro area work together in unity towards the same mission: to help boys and girls know Jesus and learn how to worship Him with their whole lives!,” Lee concluded.

Lunch and dinner meals were prepared and served to the participants in the church’s Fellowship Hall all three days by Oklahoma Baptist disaster relief volunteers.