“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them.”
Matthew 18:20
God was certainly present at the LeFlore Association’s first CHILDREN’S See You at the Pole Rally. In total, there were 298 people in attendance and at least nine different churches from the Association represented.
The LeFlore Children’s Leadership Team saw an opportunity to expand on See You at the Pole, which primarily focuses on youth-aged prayer rallies. The team discussed, “We aren’t sure why a Children’s Rally hasn’t been thought of. The younger children are meeting and praying around their schools’ flag poles that morning too. Why haven’t we thought to host a prayer rally for them when the youth groups are having their rally?”
So, the event was organized and planned by LeFlroe’s Children’s Ministry Directors in order to make the meeting age appropriate, beneficial and fun for kids. Children ages sixth grade and younger interacted with other students from different Children’s Ministries in the LeFlore Association through games and discipleship. They witnessed a spotlight video that showed the different prayer meetings at their local schools that had taken place earlier that morning, sang worship songs together, and heard a beautiful presentation of the Gospel.
Different church families united as one body, THE Body of Christ, and demonstrated to children that we truly are a team working together for one goal, and that is to make Jesus known. Unity was instilled, seeds were planted and several children made professions of faith.
Glory be to our God who pursues hearts of all ages, and glory be to our God who is present.