EDITOR’S NOTE: Article information was included from Baptist Press news story on the March for Life.
An estimated 100,000 Americans gathered at the Washington Mall in our nation’s capital on Friday, Jan. 20, for the 50th annual March for Life.
The March for Life in Washington, D.C. changed its route this year. Instead of marching straight to the Supreme Court building, participants passed the Capitol on the House side on the way in recognizing Congress’ role.
Among the numerous speakers was former National Football League coach Tony Dungy and his wife Lauren, who encouraged the crowd to continue in the pro-life cause. The Dungys have 11 children, eight by adoption.

Former NFL coach Tony Dungy speaks at the March for Life in Washington, D.C
On Saturday, Jan. 21, the recently established March for Life OKC event took place near the Oklahoma State Capitol, attracting hundreds of attendees.
The March for Life OKC consisted of a two-mile walking route and featured a rally with speakers, including Owen Nease, pastor of Oklahoma City, Emmaus.
Each of these pro-life events celebrated the overturn of Roe v. Wade by the United State Supreme Court last June, while recognizing much more work has to be done to end abortion in America and to care for mothers facing unexpected pregnancies. Speakers at the March for Life OKC event sounded the alarm about the rise of chemically-induced abortions in Oklahoma and other states.
On Sunday, Jan. 22, churches across Oklahoma took part in the annual Sanctity of Human Life (SOHL) Sunday. This SOHL Sunday marks the 38th year for the observance on the Southern Baptist Convention calendar.
Oklahoma Baptists and Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children teamed up to provide resources for churches, including bulletin inserts, prayer points, videos, sermon outlines and more.
In a letter to Oklahoma Baptist pastors, Todd Fisher, executive director-treasurer for Oklahoma Baptists, said, “We must stand together to speak for life, to oppose abortion and to care for abortion-vulnerable women through our pregnancy resource ministries like Hope Pregnancy Centers.”
On Wednesday, Feb. 8 at the Oklahoma State Capitol, the annual Rose Day Pro-Life Indoor Rally will take place. Pro-life spokeswoman and actress Ashley Bratcher, best known for her role in the faith-based movie, “Unplanned,” will speak. For more information, visit roseday.life.
Whether it is in the national or state capital, or in your own town and church context, Oklahoma Baptists have multiple opportunities to stand for life.
Fisher encouraged churches to “redouble our efforts to prayer, preaching and serving in this vital area.”