I have been reading The Trellis and The Vine; The Ministry Mind Shift That Changes Everything. I am thoroughly enjoying it and have found it to be compelling in its argumentation to rethink, or mentally shift the way ministry should be thought about in order to grow disciple-making disciples of Christ. I know that all sorts of people recommend must-read books, but I thought it was worth mentioning Mark Dever’s comments about the book. Dever has written several books himself on ministry and healthy churches, which makes me take The Trellis and the Vine seriously when he says:
“This is the best book I have read on the nature of church ministry. What I am I giving my life to? Church ministry. What is the best book I have read on church ministry? This one. I don’t know of a better book to encourage you to look at than this one. The Trellis and the Vine.”
Below is the video this quote came from. The video of Dever also gives an illustration of the content within the pages of the book. There are a lot of books to be read, and many of them good, but I agree with Dever that this is one of the best about church ministry.