Lori Merrill, founder and team leader of Keepers Ministry encourages ministry wives to impact their world by living a life according to God’s principles [Photo: Karen Kinnaird]
EDMOND—Ministry wives from 87 churches across Oklahoma gathered on Sept. 28-29 at Edmond, First for Ministry Wives Weekend, which had the theme, “Radiant Beauty,” which is based on Ps. 34:5, “Those who look to Him are radiant with joy; their faces will never be ashamed.” The 230 women in attendance were inspired to let their light shine in order to draw others to Christ.
The retreat featured keynote speaker Lori Merrill, founder and team leader of Keepers Ministry, which teaches, encourages and ministers to women while helping them find joy and contentment in God’s call on their life.
Merrill reminded ministry wives that they are created for God’s glory, and they should write a life purpose statement which would reflect radiating Christ and shining brightly for Him. Living out that purpose statement means having a plan with five priorities: God, husband, children, home and ministry outside of home and family.
“The quality of your life will be determined by the amount of time you spend alone with God,” Merrill said. She urged women to guard against substituting ministry for their relationship with God and reminded them that that their husbands are their ministry.

The Freemans—from left, Jeremy, Caleb and Emily—share the story of Caleb’s recovery from a Dec., 2017 car accident. [Photo: Chris Doyle]
“God sees what you do,” she said. “When you think you’re not making a difference, you are.” She encouraged them to be transparent and vulnerable and let God use them for His glory. “God has given you a platform that few people have. Live out loud for our God. Don’t let the enemy silence you.”
Worship through music was led by Randy and Lauren Faram of Edmond, First.
Ministry wives in attendance also heard a testimony from Caleb Freeman and his parents Jeremy and Emily Freeman. Jeremy is pastor of Newcastle, First.
All in attendance listened attentively to the Freemans retell what happened to Caleb, 16, and his brother Clayton, 15, on Dec. 19, 2017, as the boys were in a wreck while driving to a University of Oklahoma basketball game on the rainy night. Clayton was uninjured, but Caleb experienced an acute brain injury.
Jeremy told how God brought people into their lives that night and the days that followed to pray and to minister to the Freemans. Emily shared passages from her journal and described the whole miraculous journey of recovery that Caleb has been experiencing since that night when many thought Caleb would not survive.

Amy Cordova, BGCO Women’s Missions and Ministries specialist, greets ministry wives at the Edmond, First event. [Photo: Tammy Ross] The retreat drew 230 ministry wives representing 87 churches across Oklahoma. [Photo: Chris Doyle]
“The wreck, I think, has been one of the best things that has happened to me,” Caleb attested. “I was going down a wrong path right before the wreck, doing things I shouldn’t do. God used the wreck to change my life, and now I’m on the right path.”
Tears and laughter were shared with everyone in attendance, and the Friday evening session concluded with Amy Cordova, Women’s Missions and Ministries specialist for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, leading a time of praying over the Freemans.
On Saturday morning, women were seated according to each of their husband’s respective ministry position, so they could meet new people and relate to those in similar situations. Women discussed practical steps they could take to place and keep their priorities in order and be the women God created them to be.
Visit www.keepersministry.com and www.bgcowomen.org for more information.