SHAWNEE—There are countless ways students can spend their free time on the weekends—from time with friends, to watching movies, to catching up on homework.

On Saturday, August 24, nearly 700 middle school and high school students from across Oklahoma invested the entire weekend to lean into a ministry call from the Lord that they have each felt on their lives.

Students from 95 different churches in Oklahoma took part at the event, which took place on the campus of Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU).

The Call Conference was developed years ago for “individuals who are exploring or pursuing a call from God to ministry leadership,” and it is widely promoted at Falls Creek and other student ministry settings.

Keynote program speakers for the 2024 Call Conference included:

-Paul Chitwood, president of the International Mission Board, who spoke with students in attendance about how to confirm God’s Call in their lives.

-Brandon Smith, Chair, Herschel Hobbs School of Theology and Ministry Associate Professor of Theology and Early Christianity (OBU), who spoke about how students could grow in God’s Call. Smith is newer to OBU and most recently served at Cedarville University.

-Jeff Iorg, president of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, shared about “how to move forward in God’s Call.” Prior to stepping into his role at the SBC, Iorg served as President of Gateway Seminary and is author of the book Is God Calling Me?

The theme this year was “PREPARE[D],” which means “made ready for use.” The theme was based on Ephesians 2:10, which states: “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Chitwood talked about the many opportunities to serve on the mission field with the IMB. He said, “I am excited to see so many young people seeking out how God will use them to impact eternity.”

Speaking during the morning session of The Call Conference, Chitwood shared a personal story from earlier in his life when a serious automobile accident caused him to reexamine his priorities and lean into his Christian walk.

The Call Conference, which is produced by OBU and Oklahoma Baptists with support through the Cooperative Program, also offered 14 topic-specific breakout sessions. The topics included the following:

Dual Career Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Church Planting, Evangelism, Leading Those Called, Leading Yourself, Media Ministry, Missions, Pastoral, Small Town Ministry, The Way God Calls, Women & Ministry, Worship Ministry and Youth Ministry.

Heath Tucker, pastor of Edmond, Waterloo Road, said, “The Call Conference at OBU was excellent. As the church we can do our part to affirm the young men and women who are called to ministry. Give them opportunities to develop, help prevent the enemy from derailing them, take the time to mentor them. Raise them up and send them out! Those in this (Call Conference) are our future pastors and ministers!”

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