On July 9, 2023, the Newcastle, First (FBCN) church family gathered together to break ground on their new building project. Living the Vision for the Next Generation is the next step in a decades old vision for the church.

Adults, children, teens, and multi-generation families gathered in the parking lot where the future Worship Space would be built. Members of the engineering, design, and construction teams joined in as the various teams took turns breaking ground on the new space.

After a time of prayer and worship, the people spread out around the build area to chalk prayers and scriptures.


The FBCN staff and leadership worked with the construction team to find a safe time for the church family to enter the space in the midst of construction. The goal was a time of prayer and dedication of the space.

Church members gathered the evening of April 4, 2024 just after the completion of the beam structures. Executive pastor, Nathan Presley, gave an overview and a dedication of the space, followed by a time of prayer.

Then, much like the Groundbreaking, the people spread out to write Scripture and prayers over the space. This time using permanent markers so that the words would cover the space for years to come.


Nov. 10, 2024 brought the anxiously-awaited Grand Opening of FBCN’s new Worship Center and Atrium space! Early that morning, the worship team and media team gathered to prepare for the services.

“Today was beyond anything I could have expected,” said FBCN Senior Pastor Jeremy Freeman.

The Prayer Team and Leadership also gathered to pray over each person who would enter the space. They prayed for the Holy Spirit to be present, for lives to change, and for believers to grow in their walks with the Lord. More than 1,500 people arrived for the 9 AM and 10:30 AM worship services. Students and Welcome Team members were in the parking lot and at the doors ready to greet and direct guests. The Worship and Media Team led the congregation in worship, following 6 live baptisms.

Freeman, preached a sermon titled “This is Us” highlighting the church’s mission to live out the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) and their church verse Col. 1:28 “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.”


The following day, on Mon., Nov. 11, FBCN staff and many church members gathered with members of the community for an Open House.
Mayor Karl Nail shared a few words and Freeman. Newcastle’s Chamber of Commerce attended for the Ribbon Cutting to officially open the space. All in the community were welcomed to come and see what’s happening at FBCN!