Mike Foster, founder and chief chance officer for people of the second chance, and Lance Lang, executive director of Hope is Alive Ministries, will be speaking at Night of Hope Oklahoma City. The event is a free, one-of-a-kind gathering aiming to instill and inspire hope in the lives of those in the recovery community of Oklahoma City.
The event will be held at 7 p.m., Aug. 14 at Oklahoma City, Quail Springs, 14613 N. May Ave.
“We want to create an inspiring, hope-filled evening,” said Lang, creator of Night of Hope and executive director of Hope Is Alive Ministries. “Addiction is an epidemic. It’s tearing apart our families and leaving many Oklahomans feeling defeated and alone. Night of Hope is for them. The people who have been affected by addiction, whether they’re addicts themselves or have friends or loved ones struggling against this epidemic. We want them to know they’re not alone, that this epidemic is large, touching more lives than they imagine, but that hope is even larger.”
Night of Hope will shine a light on the success stories of addiction and recovery, while inspiring hope and providing innovative tools and strategies for spiritual transformation and renewal, through inspiring music and engaging speakers. Keynote speaker Foster, is a communicator, pastor and television commentator for FOX. He lives in San Diego with his family and is the author of the groundbreaking bestseller Freeway: A Not-So-Perfect Guide To Freedom.
Lang, author and speaker, has devoted his life to inspiring hope in those suffering from addiction. He will share his own journey from addiction to brokenness to forgiveness. He is a communicator of hope, encouragement, and truth, and devotes his time to supporting and providing addiction outreach, prevention and referral services in Oklahoma.
Additionally, the night will include a special spotlight on local recovery-based organizations focused on stamping out addiction.
For additional information, visit www.nightofhopeokc.com.
Hope is Alive Ministries is a nonprofit striving to inspire hope in the lives of those recovering from addiction by supporting families and individuals who are struggling. It also partners with churches to help them help others, offer inspirational events, and through a unique and specialized community-living environment.