On Sunday, July 28, Oklahoma Baptists Executive Director Todd Fisher was involved in a serious automobile accident while traveling in Oklahoma to speak at a ministry event.

Dr. Fisher has sustained multiple injuries that are not life threatening, and he is in stable condition.

Fisher’s son, Zach, said in a post on Facebook on July 29, saying, “My father was in a car accident yesterday afternoon while driving to speak at a ministry event in Oklahoma. He was alert immediately after and remained so throughout the evening, and his injuries are not life threatening. He has, however, sustained several serious injuries to his extremities and ribs. Thank you all so much who have already visited or reached out. Please be in prayer for him and our family, for his healing, and for the long road of recovery ahead.”

Joe Ligon, Oklahoma Baptists Senior Associate Executive Director said, “We ask that you pray for Todd Fisher, the family, and for all those impacted by this situation.” Ligon also emphasized praying for the family of the other driver involved in the accident.

Responses of prayers and support could be seen immediately over social media.

On July 30, Ligon sent an email to Oklahoma Baptist pastors saying, “Dr. Fisher (continues to be) in stable condition and has undergone several surgeries to repair broken bones with the distinct possibility of additional surgeries to come.” Ligon asked for continued prayer for the situation.

Zach Fisher also shared a brief update. “(My father Todd) has improved daily, and has had several successful surgeries over the last few days that have started him on the long road to his recovery.” Zach thanked people for their “continued prayers for him, as well as prayers for the family of the other driver in the accident.”

On Aug. 2, the Fisher family posted an additional update on Facebook that said:

“First, we want to thank you for your ongoing prayer for the family of the other driver who lost her life in the accident. She was a strong believer and is in the presence of Jesus. We are grateful for your continued prayer for them and acts of kindness/grace to her wonderful family.

“We also want to thank the gentleman driving behind the wreck who stopped and performed potentially life-saving action on Todd. Oklahoma Highway Patrol, MediFlight, and all the first responders were amazing in the speed and quality of their work to help him. Todd is receiving excellent care at an OKC hospital. He has already undergone multiple surgeries, will have another this afternoon, and have multiple more in the days ahead. Todd’s orthopedic injuries are extensive, but no longer life-threatening. Please continue to pray for him and his medical providers in the months ahead.

“Our family has been overwhelmed at the incredibly moving response of Oklahoma Baptists all over the state expressing their love and offers of help! Todd sure loves Oklahoma Baptists—pray that he will soon be able to continue his work and that God will use this very difficult situation to glorify himself and draw many to faith in Christ. The Fisher family covets your prayers, loves you, and is thankful for all of you more than we can express!”

UPDATE: On Thursday, August 8, the family posted the following update on Facebook: 

“We are very pleased that Todd’s fourth and final surgery at this stage of his recovery was completed today. We are expecting that he will soon be transported to a rehabilitation hospital, where he will continue to heal until he is able to return home.

“Our family is immensely grateful that the Lord, in His sovereignty and grace, allowed Todd to remain here with us. We are also grateful for His peace and provision during these extremely difficult last 12 days, and for the countless texts, calls, and messages for Todd since his accident. We have been deeply encouraged by everyone who has been praying for us, and ask you continue to do so in the days ahead.”

UPDATE: On Wednesday, Aug. 14, Jamy Fisher posted the following update on Facebook:

“Our family wanted to give you a quick update on Todd. After a very difficult 16 days of surgeries and recovery in the hospital, we are happy to share that Todd was transported yesterday to a rehabilitation hospital to begin the process of physical therapy. We may be here for 2-4 or more weeks; there’s still a lot for us to learn about his therapy and injuries. He’s already healing so much, we are thankful beyond words for the excellent medical care he has received.

“Please continue to pray for Todd’s healing and recovery in the days ahead. He has a positive attitude about all the painful challenges he is facing and keeps focused on God’s goodness to have spared his life and the ways the Lord will be glorified through this difficult time. That is the theme of the stories he remembers and tells and the mini-sermons he’s been preaching to himself and others since the accident. God has taught us so much about his faithfulness these last two weeks! He’s providing for and strengthening our marriage and family in ways we never would’ve thought to ask.

“The outpouring of prayers, love, and help from so many have overwhelmed us with gratitude. We read to Todd lots of the messages being sent to him and they are such an encouragement! We don’t know how to say “Thank you!” enough and are humbled that so many are praying for Todd and for us. We love you all.”

Todd Fisher has served with Oklahoma Baptists as executive director since 2021.

UPDATE: Aug. 29

Dr. Fisher spoke on the ‘Feeding and Leading’ podcast regarding his recovery. Click here to listen to the podcast and see the most recent updates.

Note: This article was updated on Aug. 29.