The announcement of Anthony Jordan’s retirement next spring headlined the news from the Sept. 12 Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma (BGCO) board meeting, but board members heard reports from the many BGCO ministries and approved four recommendations and a resolution.
The resolution declared the board’s appreciation for the Falls Creek Centennial Celebration. Members of the Falls Creek Centennial Committee were recognized as well as BGCO ministry leaders, volunteers and Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief who worked the many facets of the weekend festivities. The resolution also acknowledged the “thank offering” that was taken during the weekend and totaled $32,000 for meeting the needs of those affected by Hurricane Harvey.
“Therefore, be it resolved,” the resolution stated, “that we expressed our deepest appreciation to all who gave of themselves to make the Falls Creek 100th celebration a fitting time of rejoicing and giving thanks to God. Because of their selfless service, Oklahoma Baptists were able to lift our hearts and voices in joyful praise to our God for His mighty works at Falls Creek through these 100 years.”
There were four recommendations, including two from the board’s executive committee. The final two recommendations came from the board’s finance committee, that the proposed 2018 BGCO financial plan be adopted and the Cooperative Program objective of the proposed $25,750,000 be distributed 45 percent to BGCO, 15 percent to BGCO affiliates and 40 percent to the Southern Baptist Convention. The recommendations passed.
Reports were given of BGCO affiliates Baptist Foundation of Oklahoma, Baptist Village Communities (BVC), Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children (OBHC) and Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU). Highlights from those reports include OBHC President Greg McNeece sharing two students who live at Baptist Children’s Home, Owasso scoring 30 and 31 on ACT scores and are receiving interest from major universities. McNeece also reported 205 state churches are involved with OHBC’s One Such Child foster care program.
BVC President Bill Pierce told of the many evangelistic opportunities happening at different Baptist Villages, including two “Friends Team” members who made professions of faith after their children attended a Vacation Bible School at Baptist Village of Oklahoma City.
In Jordan’s board meeting comments, he commended board members for their involvement of approving decisions that impact different BGCO ministries and Oklahoma Baptist churches. Jordan spoke about the Summer Evangelism Team made up of three OBU students who served eight churches, holding revivals and making a spiritual impact, including 56 professions of faith, in different communities across the state. He said plans for future Summer Evangelism Teams will involve more OBU students as well as students representing state Baptist Collegiate Ministries.
He also reported 49 pastors were able to go on mission vision trips to Latvia, Guerrero, Mexico and Edmonton, Canada, which in turn developed future opportunities for churches to be involved with these mission partnerships.
“Of what you do when you sit in this room and you vote, and what actually happens in the lives of others, I’m so thankful for what God has done,” Jordan said. “I’m so thankful for what I believe is a pattern for the future that will allow us as a convention to do what we are here for, and that is to serve the churches.”