Can you briefly share about your ministry calling and career

Bryan Pain
Senior Pastor, Duncan, First
“The Lord called me to ministry in the summer of 1993, when I was a college student. I had been an engineering major at the University of Oklahoma, when God got hold of my heart at West Texas Ranch for Christ. He decided to draw my heart to full time service, and I asked the Lord to use me.
“I transferred to the University of Central Oklahoma, where my wife Shonda was a student. After we were married, Shonda began a career in education, and I attended Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth. My first ministry context is Walnut Springs, Texas, population 716. I served as student pastor for two years, and I really loved being able to serve in the local church.
“In 2000, God called me to be a pastor as a young man, serving in Earlsboro, America, which was a blessing. I nserved there for over six years. In 2006, the Lord called us to Morning Star Baptist Church in Meeker, where I served for six years. During the tenure, we completed construction on an education building and gym, and saw God doing amazing things. I then accepted a call to Duncan, First in December of 2012 and have been blessed to serve here for 13 years.
Can you tel us about your family?
“Shonda and I celebrated 30 years of marriage this year. Oklahoma Baptists Executive Director Todd Fisher and his wife Jamy were actually married on the same day. Shonda and I have three children. Our daughter Raylee is married and is working in healthcare. Our younger daughter Morgan lives in Duncan and helps care for a special needs child. She has a great gift for working with children. My son Isaac is a senior in high school. He stays busy with band and swim team, and he is a godly young man.
From the school backpack drive to other outreach events, you church congregation is making a Gospel impact. Can you talk about some of the ways the Lord is at work in your church and community now?
“Since I first came to Duncan, First, it was my hope and intention we would do everything we can to get the Gospel outside the walls of the church. I wanted us to have, not just a “come and see” posture, but a “go and tell” one. I’m so thankful for the people at Duncan, First are so evangelism and missions minded.
“In our church family, we have retired missionaries many families with children connected to the International Mission Board (IMB). Beyond praying and giving, our church family is going and doing. As far as outreach, we were overjoyed to partner with Connection Church with the back to school outreach this year. We did not start, but were invited to be part of this effort to fill backpacks with school supplies and provide them to those in need. The community has rallied around this.
“Another thing we have been part of, now in the sixth year, is Serve Duncan. We take one Sunday a year where we have an abbreviated worship service in the Sunday School hour then commission our congregation to go. In the weeks leading up to that, we identify neighborhoods and homes that could use work. Our members do simple things like trash pickup, lawnmowing and grass trimming and painting. We try to be the hands and feet of Jesus, serving homeowners and sharing the Gospel. We have seen hearts and lives changed.
What preachers and/or books have helped shape your ministry and have been a ministry resource for you?
“One who has been an influence on my life is the late Mike Compton, of Moore, First. He challenged me to a life of discipleship. Within our state, former DOM
Russell Cook has been an influencer and encourager. Wendell Lang, Brett Selby and James Swain, these great brothers have been a source of encouragement, both in formal and informal ways. When I think about books who have shaped who I am, I think of Robert E. Coleman’s The Master Plan of Evangelism, Jared Wilson’s The Pastor’s Justification, and Don Whitney’s Praying the Bible, as well as Jonathan Leeman’s Don’t Fire Your Church Members.
Why is it important for your church to support the Cooperative Program?
“Simply put, we can do more together than we can alone. In each of the churches where I have served, we could not have had the global impact we had apart from the Cooperative Program (CP). Through the CP, we train ministers, send church planters and missionaries, and care for orphans and widows. We are expanding the Kingdom together.
Anything else that the Lord has on your heart?
“One of the things that excites me about where we are is the way the Lord is at work. We have something that’s called D Group ministry, small group discipleship. This was developed by Robby Gallaty. Our D Groups have really multiplied here at Duncan, and a significant portion of our adults are involved. Our next gen ministry is very encouraging, and we have a great staff. We want to be faithful with all God has given us.