Manny Parker; Pastor of New Hope Baptist Church Mannford, Oklahoma

Please describe your involvement in ministry, particularly bi-vocational/ multi-vocational (MVP) ministry.

My wife, Kerry, and I began our call to bi-vocational ministry at Fisher church (now “My Father’s House”) west of Sand Springs under two great pastors, Joe Traynham and Danny Lynchard for more than 13 years. Fisher blessed us with their strong desire to make disciples. We served in several different ministries, and it is where I was licensed and ordained as an associate pastor. We loved the fine people at Fisher and didn’t want to leave them, especially the youth ministry kids we dearly loved.

But God led us to start a Church Plant in a Bingo Hall on Feb. 26, 1995. In August 1996, New Hope bought a ballroom/dance hall. In 2007, New Hope bought land in a great location and began building our new church building in December 2019. We sold our ballroom building, and the Lord allowed me to pastor New Hope and the First Church of God Mannford until September 2021, when New Hope finally was no longer known as the Bingo or Ballroom Baptist. In 29 years at Mannford, New Hope, more than 400 have been saved and baptized. God led New Hope to make disciples, and develop pastors, deacons, worship leaders, Children and Youth Ministers and teachers. Some were sent out by God to other places, some stayed. As New Hope continues to grow in the Lord and in numbers, we rejoice and give God all the Glory.

How important is the impact that smaller-in-attendance churches are having for the Gospel?

Acts 10:34 “Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.” People in any size of church can make big impacts because they have the same big God. If a “Big God, Big Church” of 500 baptizes 40, develops 30 disciples, and sends out two new pastors into ministry and a “Big God, Little Church” of 50 baptizes five, develops four disciples, and sends out one new pastor into ministry, which one has been impactful? Both.

More than 1,000 smaller-in-attendance Oklahoma Southern Baptist Churches are impactfully bringing people to Jesus for salvation, making disciples that make disciples, developing pastors, worship leaders, youth ministers, children’s ministers, teachers, audio video techs, deacons, women’s and men’s ministry leaders. “Big God, Little Churches” have the same “Big God” to impactfully do whatever God has called them to do.

What is your life verse, or verses that are speaking to you, lately?

1 Peter 3:18a “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God…” Jesus sought me and bought me with His redeeming Blood. During more than 42 years of MVP ministry, I have never gotten over being saved. We are so blessed to be in the Family of God; my passion is to bring more to God.

You have served Oklahoma Baptists in a number of ways. How has the Lord brought this about and why is serving in Kingdom work so rewarding?

Serving the Lord alongside my family has encompassed many roles as a young adult minister, youth minister, associate pastor, and senior pastor. Serving as a chap- lain and this year’s vice president of our Oklahoma State Convention, coordinating the Big God, Little Church Conferences and fulfilling my duties in my job has all been in service of His Kingdom. This work has truly been the greatest honor and privilege one could ever hope for. Hebrews 11:6 says, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” I know this is true!

Why is it important for your church to support the Cooperative Program (CP)?

It’s important to support the Cooperative Program if we want to invest in North American and International missions and ministries. Through the CP, we support missionaries, train pastors and church leaders, provide relief for retired ministers and widows, and foster evan- gelism efforts, children’s homes, volunteer missions, missions education, new churches, colleges, universi- ties, collegiate ministries, and camps.

The CP has proved its effectiveness with over 5,380 missionaries reaching out to more than 1,400 different people groups worldwide. Along with the establishment of over 1,788 new churches by 5,204 North American Missionaries, coordinated through the North American Mission Board and individual state conventions.

Additionaly the Six Southern Baptist seminaries (South- ern, Southeastern, Midwestern, Southwestern, Golden Gate, and New Orleans) educate more than 15,250 pastors, missionaries, and future church leaders each year. That’s why we, personally and our church, think it is important, an honor, and a privilege to support the Cooperative Program.

How YOU can pray for Oklahoma pastors

  1. Pray for his family.

Ask God to help him love and lead his family well, making the most of his time when at home. Ask the Lord to give him the courage to put off the trivial matters of ministry, so he’s fully engaged as the husband and father God calls him to be.

Ephesians 5:25 and Psalm 127:3-5

  1. Pray for his walk with God.

Pray that he will devote himself to prayer and Bible reading first and foremost before he begins his day of ministry and family time.

Philippians 4:6 and Psalm 119:9

  1. Pray for his schedule.

Pastors prepare engaging sermons, have people to visit in hospitals, worry home-bound members will fall through the cracks, and are attempting to follow up with visitors. Pray that God will help him manage his schedule well to spend time with his family and lead his church family.

Ephesians 5:15-17 and Psalm 90:12

  1. Pray for his sermon preparation & delivery.

Pray that God gives him focus and perseverance in sermon prep, as well as clarity and wisdom as he aims to rightly handle the Word of God. Pray God will fill him with passion and conviction as he declares the Good News to encourage the saints and lead the lost to love and follow Jesus.

2 Timothy 2:15, Psalm 119:18,

Hebrews 4:12, & Mark 16:15 for-your-pastor-to-start-the-new-year/