Dear Titus,
This has been an emotional month. I just finished climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa with a cross and a team of 13 wonderful people. When you get a little older, I’ll show you the pictures. I wrote your name on the tops of my walking sticks. The left-hand stick read “Titus” and the right one, “Wayne.” I took your name to the roof of Africa!
Every step of the way, I was thinking about you. But I was doing more than thinking. I believe one of the reasons God gives grandparents to a young man like you is that we have more prayer experience than younger people. I don’t even know how many times I prayed for you on my journey, but there’s not much else to do when you’re climbing a mountain for eight days.
One of my prayers was that you wouldn’t come into this world while I was gone. I’m so glad you waited until I got back. Right now, I’m sitting in the hospital, where I anticipate meeting you within a few hours. I know your vision will be blurry for a while, but just so you know, I’m the good-looking elderly gentleman smiling from ear to ear.
Titus, your grandma and I have been waiting for you for a long time. We didn’t know if you’d ever come into our lives. This past Christmas Day, your parents were at our house when your mom got sick and had to go home early. We thought she had the flu, but instead, she was carrying you.
When I got the news that you were no longer just a thought but an actual being, I went a little crazy. From the first day I learned that God was knitting you together in your mother’s womb, you’ve been real as real to me. I can’t wait until we can be Poppy and grandson! I know I’ll have to be patient a little while longer, but I’m already dreaming of things just the two of us can do together.
You see, Titus, you come from a long line of dreamers. Your grandpa is a dreamer; your dad is a dreamer; and I pray that you’ll be a dreamer, too. Don’t let anyone squelch your dreams, especially those given by God. There are plenty of naysayers in this world, and you’ll find many of them in the church pews. Because their vision is smaller than their wallets, they’ll sit around talking about what you can’t do. But our family holds to a book that is Holy, one that says, “I can do all this through Him Who gives me strength” (Phil. 4:13).
As I await your arrival, I’m dreaming about how God can use your life. He desires that you follow Him. I pray that you become like Isaiah of old. When God speaks, you’ll hear His voice and be prepared with an answer: “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)
You see, young Titus, I’m asking Him to place within you a heart that’s extra-sensitive to the things of God. He did that in the lives of many heroes of the faith like David, Timothy and Samuel. As you grow a little older, you’ll get to know their stories. I pray that even as a young boy, your heart will be attuned to Him so that you desire to please Him. I pray you’ll have an answer ready for the day God calls you into an eternal relationship. As long you obey Him and His Word, you’ll have a fulfilling life.
Young Titus, I must tell you that your grandparents don’t have much when it comes to this world’s possessions, but we are rich in love. When your dad and Uncle Jeremy were growing up, I told them our family might not have the latest and greatest toys or gadgets, but we would always have an overabundance of love, the kind that comes from a relationship with God. As 1 John 4:8 tells us, “God is love.” And just wait till you meet Grandma Moore. She has enough love to cover a dozen Tituses.
So, Titus, that’s the bottom line. Our family is poor in the things of the world, but rich in the things of God. And you couldn’t come into this world any more blessed. There will always be a place for you at Poppy and Grandma’s home, and you’ll always have our unconditional love.
A Poppy-sized welcome to Titus Wayne Moore, born 5:43 a.m., Aug. 21, 2013, 7 pounds, 9 ounces. And congratulations to his parents, Caleb and Adrian!