DEL CITY—Pastors and churches all across the country are looking for fresh ideas that will bring enthusiasm and vision to their mission of advancing the Gospel. Every year many pay large amounts to attend seminars in hopes of finding the thing that will propel their ministry forward.
However, many of the ministers and churches that would enjoy and benefit from these seminars are not able to afford them. Because of faithful giving through the Cooperative Program, Oklahoma Baptists will have the opportunity to attend some of the greatest trainings offered anywhere in the country at the Oklahoma State Evangelism Conference (SEC), Jan. 27-29 at Del City, First Southern.
The Conference begins with a call to prayer at 5 pm on Sun., Jan. 27. Hance Dilbeck, executive director-treasurer of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, recently stated that we often try to fix our churches with strategies, but in many cases, what is wrong with the church is not their strategies, but rather, the problems are spiritual. Oklahoma Baptists must recognize and address the spiritual condition of the church before strategies or programs of the church can be addressed. Elmer Towns will be leading this important call to prayer, with Master’s Voice leading music.
Monday and Tuesday will be filled with inspirational preaching, and Tuesday morning will also have special seminars that will equip pastors, staff, men and women leaders of churches to some of the best information and tools to advance the Gospel that are being used today. There will be something for everyone regardless of church size, location, style of worship or any other contextual diversity. The seminars will be led by some of the leading men and women in their fields from our national convention.
Pastors will have the opportunity to choose from sessions like “Preparing an Effective Evangelistic Sermon” taught by A.B. Vines; “Developing an Annual Evangelism Strategy” taught by Thomas Hammond; “How to Pastor a Main Thing Church” taught by Kie Bowman; and “Simple Approach for Carrying Out an Effective Revival in the 21st Century” taught by Anthony Jordan.
Smaller in Attendance church leaders will have an opportunity to learn about the “Church and Community Spiritual Awakening Project” being develop for their ministry context. This seminar will be led by Phillip Jones.
Church planters and those interested in church planting will hear from Towns as he teaches “Planting Reproducing Churches” or they can hear James Emery White teach about “Church Planting: Insights Learned from a 25-Year Journey.”
Youth workers can attend “aWEsoMe YOUth ministry” taught by Andy Harrison or “How to Move Students from Talking about Sharing Their Faith to Doing It” taught by Brian Baldwin.
Children’s workers will hear from Monique E. Godfrey on the subject of “How Children Can Fulfill the Great Commission.”
Worship leaders have the opportunity to hear Randy Lind teach “8 Steps to Have a Welcoming Church by Sunday.”
Special interest groups may enjoy hearing James Walker teach on “Jehovah Witnesses: Understanding and Reaching Them in Love”; Art Hallett teach “The Secret of Power in Prison Ministry”; Chris Finley teach “Reaching an Unreached People Group in Your Own Community”; Lester Vogler teach “This Is Not Your Father’s EE” or Jim Stewart teach “Multiply Soul Winners In the Church”.
Women will hear the powerful testimony and teaching of Mona Earnest and will be treated to a moving worship experience under the direction of Chanda Graham.
Of course, if more inspiration is what is desired, SEC attendees can join the Oklahoma Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists for inspiring sermons and songs.
Clearly there is something for everyone. All of the above breakouts can be attended by anyone who has an interest in the topic that will be covered. All church leaders are encouraged to take advantage of this free training made available by Oklahoma Baptists’ Cooperative Program giving.