On Jan. 31 and Feb. 1, Oklahoma City, Bryant Avenue hosted 40 participants in a two-day Send Network Sending Lab. A Sending Lab is a workshop that teaches churches how to develop a vision and plan for sending out church planters. This collaborative experience connected pastors on similar journeys while also guiding them on how to identify the next steps for finding, developing and sending church planters.
“There is a need in our state and in my city for healthy churches that plant healthy churches,” said one pastor.
The event began Friday evening with a dinner, welcome and introductions. The first of six sessions were held that evening, titled “Why Sending?” Saturday, Feb. 1 contained the remaining sessions.
The event allowed pastors to connect with each other, share common struggles and learn of the need for more church planters in Oklahoma
“The Sending Church Lab instilled both an urgency and a practical path forward to confront the growing lostness in our state,” said another pastor.
Send Network Oklahoma is a partnership between Oklahoma Baptists and the North American Mission Board to facilitate church planting in Oklahoma. Since 2010, Southern Baptists have planted more than 11,000 churches across North America. Send Network provides resources for churches wanting to multiply by equipping those who want to bring the hope of the Gospel to more cities.
For more information about Send Network, visit namb.net/send-network.