On Jan. 31 and Feb. 1, Oklahoma City, Bryant Avenue will be hosting a free Sending Lab. A Sending Lab is a workshop that teaches churches how to develop a vision and plan for sending out church planters. This collaborative experience will connect pastors on similar journeys while also guiding them on how to identify the next steps for finding, developing and sending church planters.
The event will begin at 6:00 pm on Friday, Jan. 31 with a check-in at OKC, Bryant Avenue, followed by dinner, welcome and introductions at 6:30 pm. The first of six sessions will also be held that evening, titled “Why Sending?” Saturday, Feb. 1 will contain the remaining sessions.
Breakfast and lunch will be provided on Feb. 1 at Bryant Avenue, but the attendee is responsible for their own transportation and lodging. For those traveling more than 50 miles to the event, the African American Ministry Partnership with Oklahoma Baptists will cover the costs for a hotel room which can be requested upon registration.
Send Network Oklahoma is a partnership between Oklahoma Baptists and the North American Mission Board to facilitate church planting in Oklahoma. Since 2010, Southern Baptists have planted more than 11,000 churches across North America. Send Network provides resources for churches wanting to multiply by equipping those who want to bring the hope of the Gospel to more cities.
For more information about Send Network, visit namb.net/send-network and to register for the upcoming Oklahoma Sending Lab click here.