Dr. Russell Moore set to speak at 23rd annual Rose Day on Feb. 5
OKLAHOMA CITY – Author and President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, Dr. Russell Moore, will be the keynote speaker at the 23rd annual Rose Day Pro-Life Rally at the Oklahoma State Capitol on Wednesday, Feb. 5.

Russell D. Moore, President of the ERLC
“Dr. Moore, who has put action behind his pro-life convictions by adopting children, is one of the most articulate, compelling pro-life spokesmen in the nation,” said Dr. Anthony L. Jordan, executive director-treasurer for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma (BGCO).
The rally begins at 11:45 a.m. in the Oklahoma State Capitol House Chambers. From 9:30-11:30 a.m., participants will present roses to their state legislators as a symbol of the sanctity of life. Rose distribution will continue throughout the day. Registration and sponsoring organizations will be available in the fourth and second floor rotunda until the conclusion of the rally.
Along with Moore’s speech, Gov. Mary Fallin and many other pro-life legislators are expected to be in attendance and recognized during the rally for their support and commitment to life.
“Whether Baptist, Catholic or of another faith background, Rose Day participants will want to take part in this important event and signify their own stance for life by presenting their elected officials with a rose,” said Jordan.
Rose Day is sponsored by a faith-based Rose Day Planning Committee and the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. Organizations, churches and individuals are encouraged to take part in the day’s activities. For more information, visit www.bgco.org/RoseDay.