The 500th anniversary of the Reformation is celebrated this month. In honor of this historic event, signified by Martin Luther’s posting of the 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg, Germany church, Oct. 31, 1517, the Baptist Messenger shares a series of articles written by David S. Dockery on how the Reformation influenced Baptist life and Baptist beliefs. All three articles are below in order.

The Reformation and Baptist life

>> by David S. Dockery, President of Trinity International University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first in a three-part series on how Baptists have been shaped by the Reformation yet have developed key distinctives in such areas as believer’s baptism, religious liberty and global missions. The Reformation sparked by Martin Luther began 500 years ago this month.

DEERFIELD, Ill. (BP)—The Lord blessed me with the wonderful privilege of growing up in a Christian home—a faithful, Baptist home. Sundays included Sunday School, church services, afternoon choir practice as well as Bible Drill, Discipleship Training and Sunday evening after-church fellowship. It was generally a very busy day. Wednesdays included church suppers, prayer meetings, mission organizations, committee meetings and choir practice.

During the week there were opportunities for outreach visitation, Women’s Mission Union and other activities. Summer calendars were built around Vacation Bible School, church camps and other church-related events. My family planned weeks and seasons around church activities. Our heroes were Lottie Moon, Annie Armstrong and Bill Wallace of China.

But apart from a world history course as a high school student, I do not recall ever hearing stories about the Reformation, Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin or other early 16th-century Protestant leaders in any church-related activity.

My guess is that my experience parallels that of many other Baptists. Why, then, should Baptists pay attention to the many events and programs taking place this year to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, for we are not Lutherans nor Anglicans nor Presbyterians. Yet, whether we realize it or not, many of our core convictions as Baptists have been influenced or shaped by those 16th-century thinkers.


What was the Reformation?

Many people across Germany and Switzerland over a period of several decades contributed to the wide-ranging movement of theological and spiritual renewal in 16th-century Europe known as the Reformation. But the most visible event, according to tradition, took place on October 31, 1517, when Martin Luther (1483-1546), a monk and university professor, nailed 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. Luther was concerned with papal abuses and the selling of indulgences in the Roman Catholic Church, along with what he considered to be faulty understandings of justification by faith, biblical authority and other important doctrinal matters.

Philipp Melancthon, one of Luther’s colleagues who knew him as well as anyone, called Luther the Elijah of Protestantism and compared his influence to that of the apostle Paul in the first century. Luther roused the church from her slumber, reopened the fountain of God’s Holy Word for many people and was responsible for directing a generation to know Jesus Christ as their Lord. When one thinks of the Reformation period, one reflects on the titanic force of Luther, the good sense and preaching ministry of Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531) in Zurich, Switzerland, as well as the biblical exposition and theological articulations of John Calvin (1509-64) in Geneva. Among these three important leaders of the Reformation, there is general agreement that the one with the greatest influence was Martin Luther.


What have Baptists inherited from the Reformers?

For many people who grew up in a home or church with experiences similar to mine, we somehow had a sense that our parents, grandparents and pastors had received an understanding of the Christian faith as if it had come directly to them from the first-century apostles. We were naively unaware of what went on in between then and now. By and large, Baptists do not know very well our heritage, our history or our theological identity. The reality is that while we are “a people of the Book,” shaped, formed and informed by Holy Scripture, we also have the privilege of standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before us who stood on the shoulders of others.

Such a debt to those who have gone before us was recognized by 17th-century Baptists who, in the Orthodox Confession of 1678, acknowledged that they stood with and affirmed with all Christians everywhere the teachings of the Nicene Confession, a fourth-century document that clearly maintained a commitment to the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ as well as Trinitarian orthodoxy. Francis Wayland, a most significant Baptist leader in the 19th century, wrote these words in “The Principles and Practices of Baptist Churches” (1861):

“I do not believe that any denomination of Christians exists, which, for so long a period as Baptists, has maintained so invariably the truth of their early confession…. The theological tenets of the Baptists, both in England and America, may be briefly stated as follows: they are emphatically the doctrines of the Reformation, and they have been held with singular unanimity and consistency.”

While most of us have not been directly influenced by the Reformers, our Baptist heritage and beliefs have been informed by the teaching of the Reformers as we will see in part two of our series.


The Reformation and Baptist beliefs

>> by David S. Dockery, President of Trinity International University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the second in a three-part series on how Baptists have been shaped by the Reformation yet have developed key distinctives in such areas as believer’s baptism, religious liberty and global missions. The Reformation sparked by Martin Luther began 500 years ago this month.

DEERFIELD, Ill. (BP)—With Christians through the centuries, Baptists stand with the Reformers in confessing that there is one and only one living and true God, who is an intelligent, spiritual and personal being, the Creator, Redeemer, Preserver, and Ruler of the universe. God is infinite in holiness and all other perfections.

Furthermore, our confession as Baptists maintains that God is Triune and that there are within the Godhead three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We can say that God is one in His nature and three in His persons. More specifically, we confess that there is only one God, but in the unity of the Godhead, there are three eternal and equal persons, the same in substance, yet distinct in function.



Baptists are “people of the Book.” With, Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and other 16th-century Reformers, Baptists believe that it is impossible to define or even describe Christian orthodoxy apart from a commitment to a full-orbed doctrine of Scripture. Baptist theology and spirituality rest on Scripture as the central legitimizing source of Christian faith and doctrine, the clearest window through which the face of Christ may be seen.

The Reformers were also in agreement regarding the truthfulness and authority of Scripture, a belief with very real consequences. Such an understanding of Holy Scripture led to a rejection of the medieval belief and practice concerning papal authority and church tradition. The Reformers recognized that these matters could no longer be acknowledged as an authority equal with Scripture or as a standard independent of the Bible. Martin Luther summarized well these things when he said, “Everyone indeed, knows that at times the Fathers have erred, as men will; therefore, I am ready to trust them only when they give me evidence for their opinions from Scripture, which has never erred” (Luther’s Works, 32:11).


Salvation by grace through faith

The Reformers believed that medieval thinkers had led the church astray by teaching that human effort and good works, as well as moral or ritual action, would earn favor in the eyes of God, enabling sinners to achieve salvation. A serious ongoing study of the teachings of the apostle Paul, however, led Luther to the conviction that sinners are granted forgiveness, as well as full and free pardon, only through faith in Jesus Christ. Sinners are justified by grace through faith, not by their own achievements. The Reformers were in full agreement that justification is a forensic declaration of pardon, which Christ has won through His victory over sin, death, the law and the devil.

Standing on the shoulders of the Reformers, Baptists believe that justification is accomplished at the cross of Christ (Rom. 5:10), guaranteed by His resurrection (Rom. 4:24-25) and applied to believers when we confess our faith in Christ (Rom. 5:1). Experientially, we still sin, but God views us as totally righteous, clothed in the robes of our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 4:1-8). Because of Christ’s sacrifice, God no longer counts our sins against us (2 Cor. 5:19-21). Thus, justification is even more than pardon, as wonderful as that is; it is the granting of positive favor in God’s sight based on the redemptive work of Jesus Christ (Rom. 3:21-26).

It was John Calvin who emphasized the perseverance of the saints, which Baptists sometimes refer to as the doctrine of eternal security. Our salvation is secured in Christ, and nothing can separate us from the love of Christ (John 10:28-30; Rom. 8:31-39), yet our response to this truth brings our assurance. In part three, published at, we will look at other areas of Baptist life that have been influenced by the Reformers as well as key Baptist distinctives that show how Baptists have chartered their own course in many areas, moving beyond the thought of the 16th-century Protestant leaders.


Baptists & the Reformers: Intersections & departures

>> by David S. Dockery, President of Trinity International University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the third in a three-part series on how Baptists have been shaped by the Reformation yet have developed key distinctives in such areas as believer’s baptism, religious liberty and global missions. The Reformation sparked by Martin Luther began 500 years ago this month.

DEERFIELD, Ill. (BP) — Baptists share many essential teachings with other Protestant Christians who have been influenced by the 16th-century Reformers. Baptists have moved beyond the Reformers in charting a distinctive path, beyond primary doctrines like the doctrine of Scripture and the doctrine of salvation, often referred to as the formal principle and the material principle of the Reformation. To these matters we now turn our attention.

The Reformers were in full agreement in their affirmations of scriptural authority and the essence of the doctrine of salvation. Likewise, they rejected the superiority of the priesthood, of vocational ministry, stressing instead the priesthood of all believers. Not only did this mean that all believers in Christ had access to God (Heb. 10:19-25) but it underscored the Christian dignity of ordinary human callings, including artists, laborers, homemakers and plowmen. By implication, this elevated the importance of family life, opening the door for clerical marriage.

The Reformers rejected the mediation of Mary and the intercession of all the saints, insisting that Christ alone was our high priest to bear our sin and sympathize with our weaknesses. They rejected the medieval teaching regarding the seven sacraments, insisting that the New Testament taught only two sacraments or ordinances: baptism and the Lord’s Supper. The Reformers unanimously rejected the sacrificial nature of the Lord’s Supper, refuting the church’s teaching regarding transubstantiation. Baptists have emphasized a view of the Lord’s Supper that reflects much of the perspective of Ulrich Zwingli.

The Reformers also departed from the medieval teaching which affirmed that the church was dependent on communion with the papacy. Instead, they insisted that the church was called into being by God’s Spirit and was established on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone (Eph. 2:20).

Baptists have shaped their beliefs regarding the Triune God, Jesus Christ, Holy Scripture, salvation by grace through faith, the church, the ordinances, Christian service and the family in recognition of their gratitude for and indebtedness to the courage and conviction of the 16th-century Reformers. Yet, Baptists have chosen not to be content merely with the basic teachings of the Reformers. They have also modified these teachings and moved beyond them in key areas that we often call “Baptist distinctives.”


Baptist distinctives


While Baptists are heirs of the 16th-century Reformation (with influence also from the “radical reformers” like Menno Simons, Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz and Balthasar Hubmaier), they have moved beyond the Reformers in at least five key areas.

Baptists affirm believer’s baptism by immersion instead of the Reformers’ view of infant baptism. Baptists have contended for a voluntary understanding of the church and congregationalism based on a regenerate church membership instead of an inherited understanding of church membership connected with infant baptism. The third key distinctive involves the repudiation of church-state ties, stressing religious liberty along with the local organization of church life instead of state control or even denominational control. Also, Baptists believe that the two ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper are to be practiced as matters of obedience and fellowship rather than as a means of grace. Lastly, Baptists, more so than any of the 16th-century Reformers, have consistently stressed the priority of the Great Commission and global missions.




Baptists are a people committed to the primacy of Scripture, who are heirs of the best of the Reformation. The Gospel-focused, scripturally grounded core to which we all must hold has been greatly influenced, both directly and indirectly, by the teachings of the Reformers. It is important for us during this year of commemorating and celebrating the Reformation to clarify our confessional commitments and reappropriate, retrieve and reclaim the very best of both the Reformation heritage and our Baptist heritage. We pray that the reminders to which we have pointed in this series will enhance our understanding of the Gospel, deepen our commitment to Scripture and to our Baptist confessional heritage, bringing renewal to our churches. May we seek to pass on this heritage in a faithful manner to the next generation, even as we seek to take the Good News of Jesus Christ to a lost and needy world.