Founder of organization that exposed Planned Parenthood’s misdeeds set to speak at 22nd annual Rose Day on Feb. 6

Lila Rose
Oklahoma City, OK –Lila Rose, whose non-profit organization Live Action exposed misdeeds of select Planned Parenthood clinics, will be the featured speaker at Rose Day, the state’s largest gathering of pro-life advocates on Wed., Feb. 6, 2013 at the Oklahoma State Capitol.
Rose’s organization, a pro-life nonprofit which specializes in investigative journalism, has led numerous undercover investigations exposing corruption and reported illegal activity at Planned Parenthood, the nation’s biggest abortion chain. According to Rose’s staff, her work has documented rampant sexual abuse cover up, racism, medical misinformation, the willingness to assist sex traffickers and false statements made by Planned Parenthood executives.
Along with Rose’s testimony, Gov. Mary Fallin and many other pro-life legislators will be in attendance and recognized during the rally for their support and commitment to life. Rose Day participants are encouraged to share their stance on the upcoming pro-life legislation with their legislators as they present them with a rose to signify the sanctity of human life.
“Southern Baptists, Catholics, other Christians and pro-life Oklahomans unite each year for the Rose Day rally, as citizens present roses as a symbol of their commitment to protecting unborn life,” said Brian Hobbs, director of communications for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. “The Capitol never smells better than when pro-life Oklahomans share the beauty of a rose with their elected officials, making a strong statement.”
The rally begins at 11:45 a.m. in the House Chambers and from 9:30-11:30 a.m. participants will present red roses as a symbol of the sanctity of life to their state legislators. Rose distribution will continue throughout the day. Registration and sponsoring organizations will be available in the 4th Floor Rotunda until the conclusion of the rally. Rose Day is sponsored by a faith-based Rose Day Planning Committee and the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. Organizations, churches and individuals are encouraged to take part in the day’s activities. For more information, visit