On Sunday, July 28, Oklahoma Baptists Executive Director Todd Fisher was involved in a serious automobile accident while traveling to speak at a ministry event in Oklahoma. He sustained multiple injuries, none of which were life threatening.

On Aug. 14, Dr. Fisher was transported to a rehabilitation hospital to begin physical therapy. The Hands of God were evident in Dr. Fisher’s speedy recovery process and prayers for his healing process are greatly appreciated. In this new podcast, you can hear an update from Dr. Fisher.

Todd Fisher has served with Oklahoma Baptists as executive director since 2021.

UPDATE – On Wednesday, August 28, Dr. Fisher posted the following on Facebook:

“Hello everyone! Today, I had my follow-up with the orthopedic surgeon. Overall, everything looks positive regarding my injuries. One of my ankles still concerns them, but we’re praying for healing. I have a long road of recovery ahead, but getting a bit better everyday. Here’s the best news: after 32 days in hospitals, this pic is me leaving the hospital on my way home!!”

“God has been so good to us in this difficult journey. He has done so much in our lives and taught us in deep ways how to be content in every circumstance. Words fail us in thanking the many who have prayed, sent messages, and shown our family love and concern. We are blessed!”

Click here to read the full story about Dr. Fisher’s accident along with previous updates.

Note: This article was updated on Aug. 29.