Like many aspects of this year, the 2020 Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Baptists will be unique. The event, which marks the 114th annual meeting of Oklahoma Baptists, which was previously scheduled for Nov. 9-10, will now take place as an abbreviated, one-day meeting.
Messengers will gather on the afternoon of Tuesday, Nov. 10 at Broken Arrow, First (100 W. Albany Street) for the abbreviated annual meeting, a schedule which was recently set by the state convention’s board of directors. The newly-approved schedule will feature times of preaching and essential business, including officer elections.
Oklahoma Baptists joins other Southern Baptist Convention state conventions to change annual meeting plans in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic; multiple state conventions have altogether cancelled or postponed their annual meetings.
2020 Theme is ‘Unhindered’
Hance Dilbeck, executive director-treasurer for Oklahoma Baptists, said, “The theme for our convention meeting is ‘Unhindered,’ based on the last verse in the Book of Acts.”
Acts 28:31 says, “Preaching the kingdom of God and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all openness, unhindered.”
Dilbeck added, “Paul, in the Book of Acts, encountered geographic, political, cultural, ethnic and religious obstacles to his work. Yet, the Truth kept marching on—the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ kept on advancing, unhindered.
“In this year of obstacles and adversity, live with confidence that the Gospel is unhindered, especially if we will share it with openness and with boldness like prisoner Paul. I pray that Oklahoma Baptists will plan to join us for this important Annual Meeting.”
Program and sermons
The annual pastors’ conference and various fellowship events and meals previously scheduled have been cancelled. The 2020 officers to the Oklahoma Pastors Conference will continue to serve in 2021 and plan that future event.
Sermons at the Annual Meeting will be delivered by Hance Dilbeck; Blake Gideon, senior pastor of Edmond, First, who is serving his second one-year term as state convention president; and Andy Taylor, pastor of Broken Arrow, Arrow Heights.
“While we are disappointed that COVID-related factors have inhibited our plans to meet as we typically do, we believe the 2020 meeting, though shortened, will be uplifting and unifying for our pastors and churches. We need strong participation this year from Oklahoma Baptists,” Gideon said.
Messenger registration information
The Oklahoma Baptists Annual Meeting consists of church members who are elected as messengers to represent their local church body in business decisions during the meeting.
Church members interested in serving as a messenger can contact their church office for information. Every elected messenger will receive a messenger booklet and voting ballots upon check-in at Annual Meeting. Only elected messengers have voting privileges at the Annual Meeting.
Messenger pre-registration is open for churches to register their elected messengers prior to the Annual Meeting, allowing for a quick and easy on-site check-in process. To access pre-registration, visit For questions contact Kdie Nix at
Onsite check-in begins Tuesday, Nov. 10 at 10:30 a.m. Pre-registering online and early check-in are strongly encouraged. The program itself begins Tuesday afternoon at 1 p.m.
Other key meeting information
Childcare is offered, by reservation, for children birth through kindergarten for the afternoon session. To register for childcare, please fill out the form online at For questions about childcare, please contact Broken Arrow, First at 918/258-4575.
Childcare is free, but pre-registration is required by Monday, Nov. 2. A list of local lodging options is published on the Annual Meeting website.
For more information about the 2020 Annual Meeting, visit