Today was a powerful day for me! I spent the better part of the morning and afternoon at the State Capital of Oklahoma, joining thousands of others who were participating in the annual Rose Day ceremony. Each year, thousands of pro-life advocates gather at the State Capital to present roses to their state House and Senate Representatives emphasizing the importance and sanctity of human life. The presentation of the roses is followed by a short service held in the House Chamber, with overflow in the Senate Chamber as well as a few other select places. The service today was good, but it was a stark reminder of the work that is to be done regarding fighting for the rights of the unborn!
As I listened to the list of names of those representatives that are pro-life and heard Dr. Alveda King (a niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) speak today, I simply could not help but think of how awful abortion really is. One of the trademark comments you hear from “pro-choice” advocates is that they are not for “abortion”; they are simply for “choice.” When I hear people say that, I am always quick to say, but what about the baby’s choice and more importantly, when did choice ever get the right to trump murder, and that is exactly what abortion is…murder! I know that is a harsh way of saying it, but it is the truth! If you are a Christian, it is clear from the Word of God that before the child was even a thought in their parent’s mind, every one of the hairs on their head was numbered and every one of their days on this earth was numbered! All children are creations of God, no matter what the circumstances that brings them about and all children are fearfully and wonderfully made. So, in essence, to say that you are for “choice” in this matter is to say that you are for “murder”. Again, that is a strong way of saying that, but from the Bible’s perspective, it simply is the truth!
So…what can we do?
1. We can pray! We should pray that the eyes of the hearts of those contemplating abortion and those legislating abortion are opened! Pray faithfully and fervently, asking the God of grace and truth to speak to their hearts!
2. We can vote biblically! The Scripture is clear that God destroyed nations because they were unfaithful to His commands; thus leading to moral corruption! Nations were not destroyed because of bad economic policy or bad health care plans, but rather because they disobeyed God’s commands! The Scripture could not be clearer on this matter: (1) It is a sin to murder (Exodus 20:13) and (2) All babies are creations of God, even from before entrance in the womb (Psalm 139). To vote for someone who might have a great economic plan, but supports and advocates the killing of the unborn is simply unbiblical and unfaithful to the Word of God!
3. We can encourage our legislators! Regardless of party, every Christian should pray for and encourage their representatives! In love, write them notes of encouragement; when you disagree, lovingly let them know. We should know who are representatives are and stay in contact with them.
4. We can rally support from others! Encourage your church and church members to do the things above. Be an example of one who is involved! Sometimes you have to spur others on, but when you do, it will be well worth the energy you have expended!
5. We can get involved in ministries that help mother’s make sound, biblical decisions. There are countless ministries, such as The Hope Pregnancy Center, that are wonderful places to serve in and get involved with. Volunteer, invest in those mother’s who need help, do whatever is necessary to encourage mother’s to give birth to the beautiful creation of God that they carry in their womb.
6. We can stand for truth…but do it in love! One thing for sure, Christians must know what they believe, why they believe it and then be able to stand for it with grace and humility! There is nothing worse than an angry Christian who takes their stand and does it hatefully! Stand for the truth and stand unashamedly, but let the peace and love of Christ shine through your witness!
Most importantly, remember what Jesus said, “…Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Christians are the light of the world! Let your light shine…stand for God’s truth…make a difference…don’t back down…and most of all, walk in the power of the Spirit! When we yield ourselves to the Lord, He will use us in mighty way. After all, it is not about us, but rather about the Lord Jesus Christ, who came to set the captives free! Now…go and show the world the light of Christ in you!
Here is a great video of a ministry that is truly making a difference in regard to ministering to pregnant women. Check it out!